Recent non-precious-metal catalysts show promise to replace in the future platinum-based catalysts currently needed for the electro-reduction of oxygen (ORR) in fuel cell devices. Iron-nitrogen-carbon catalysts (Fe-N-C) represent the most mature class of platinum-free materials. However, the fate of Fe-N-C materials during electrochemical aging remains an open question, thereby putting into question their industrial relevance.
The main goal of my post-doctoral research is to investigate the stability of Fe-N-C electrocatalysts during the ORR. Fe dissolution will be identified and quantified by an online inductively coupled mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The stability issue will be investigated using conventional rotating disk electrode (RDE) and gas diffusion electrode (GDE) half-cell setups, in order to approach the real mass transport conditions used in fuel cell devices.
The analysis of metallic dissolution during the ORR will provide deeper understanding of the degradation mechanism of Fe-N-C materials. This research will help develop mitigation strategies for sustainable energy devices.
A. Pedersen, K. Kumar, Y.-P. Ku, V. Martin, L. Dubau, K. Teixeira Santos, J. Barrio, V. A. Saveleva, P. Glatzel, V.K. Paidi, X. Li,g A. Hutzler, M.-M. Titirici, A. Bonnefont, S. Cherevko, I.E.L. Stephens*, F. Maillard*
Energy & Environmental Science
Y.-P. Ku*, K. Kumar, A. Hutzler, C. Götz, M. Vorochta, M.T. Sougrati, V. Lloret, K. Ehelebe, K. Mayrhofer, S. Thiele, I. Khalakhan, T. Böhm, F. Jaouen*, S. Cherevko*
ACS Catalysis
09.2022 – CURRENT | Postdoctoral position, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Helmholtz-Institute Erlangen Nüremberg für Erneuerbare Energie, Germany Dr. Serhiy Cherevko |
03.2018 – 08.2022 | Postdoctoral position in electrocatalysis, LEPMI, CNRS, University of Grenoble, France Dr. Frédéric Maillard and Dr. Laetitia Dubau Study of the Degradation Mechanisms of Non-Precious Metal Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts used in fuel cell devices. |
04.2016 – 08.2016 | Research stay,Technical University of Berlin, Germany Supervised by Prof. Peter Strasser |
10.2014 – 10.2017 | PhD in electrocatalysis, IC2MP, University of Poitiers, France Supervised by Prof. Boniface Kokoh, Dr. Têko Napporn and Dr. Aurélien Habrioux. Noble metal free catalysts for regenerative fuel cell application |